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Drugs Alcohol
Alcohol Drugs Tobacco During Pregnancy

A 3 page paper that discusses the effects of alcohol, illicit drugs, and tobacco on the fetus and newborn child. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

Side Effects, Patient Information and Recommended Procedures for Commonly Prescribed Medications

This 42 page paper provides a list of medications, by category, along with a section for each for Significant Side Effects/Adverse Reactions, Patient Information and Recommended Procedures for monitoring the drug. Side Effects include the most serious adverse reactions listed in the literature. Patient information includes relevant information that may include things such as how alcohol impacts the patient while using the drug, or whether or not it is safe for pregnant or nursing women. Finally, recommended procedures provide information on how a doctor might follow up and what specific tests, if any, are recommended. Drugs are alphabetized under each classification. Bibliography lists 11 sources.

"Unconstitutional" Alcohol Sales Prohibitions by US Cities

A 10 page paper discussing the trend toward sharply restricting alcohol sales in cities for the purpose of restricting availability in narrow locations. Restricting alcohol sales by zoning and imposing time controls is not unconstitutional in action, but it certainly does oppose the intent of the Constitution and specifically the 21st amendment that repealed Prohibition in 1933. Citizens and local politicians alike need to ensure that their communities do not fall into the trap of "back-door" prohibition that already has been overruled by the 21st amendment. Bibliography lists 10 sources.

Drug Abuse Essay:

This 5 page paper discusses the complexities of defining 'drug abuse' and then proceeds to explain how labeling theory is used as an explanation for drug abuse. Furthermore, this paper highlights the ways in which labeling theory can be employed as a strategy to reduce drug abuse in our society. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

Critique on Hamill's Crack in the Box

This 4 page persuasive essay argues that Hamill's take on the relationship between television and drug addiction is flawed. Ideas about drug addiction and television viewing are included. No additional sources cited.

Fifty Cents A Bottle -- Government Takeover Of The Illegal Drug Industry

A 3 page essay advocating the government takeover of the drug industry as a means to reduce the industry's involvement with organized crime. The writer creatively describes the effectiveness of a society in which the government sells drugs at "50 cents per bottle" -- marked with strict health warnings. Thus, other advantages to this system are cited as well, including product safety and standardization. No external sources.

Drugs and Crime

An 11 page research paper that summarizes the first three essays in Drugs and Crime, edited by M. Tonry and J. Wilson. This volume offers a compilation of research on drugs and crime that comprehensively covers this topic to 1990. No additional sources cited.

Effectiveness Of Drug And Alcohol Abuse Treatment

A 5 page paper. This essay discusses substance and drug abuse and crime and treatment programs. Data are included. Bibliography lists 4 sources.


A 6 page paper that discuses two chapters in a book by Jerry A. Coyne. The paper discuses several issues related to evolution. These are an introduction about evolution, the six components of evolution, examples of evolution, natural selection, and evolution without selection, animal and plant breeding, evolution in the test tube, resistance to drugs, and evolution in the wild. Bibliography lists 1 source.

Conducting Drug-Use Research/Texas Prisoners

An 8 page research that presents an examination of the Texas Department of Criminal Justice (TDCJ) and constitutes preliminary research pursuant to conducting a research study, the purpose of which will be to collect data from incarcerated prisoners pertaining to illicit drug use while in TDCJ facilities. This examination presents the statistics on TDCJ prisons; then, present a preliminary plan for conducting the indicated research; and close by describing the ethical issues involved with the collection of research using prison populations. Bibliography lists 8 sources.

Employee Privacy Rights in the Workplace

This 4-page paper covers employee rights in the workplace, discussing employer monitoring of everything from Internet and e-mail usage to drug testing. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

Argumentative Essay/Marijuana Use

A 5 page argumentative essay that first presents the arguments in favor of marijuana legalization and then argues against them, relying primarily on the proven facts regarding marijuana's detrimental effects on the body and its tendency to be a gateway drug for the young. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

Bogota - A Big City in an even Bigger Republic

Bogota – A Big City in an even Bigger Republic: This 8-page analytical essay details the history of Bogota, Columbia and examines its rich culture and contributions. Despite a thriving agriculturally based economy, city officials have nonetheless been forced to join the US in its fight against illicit drug trafficking. However, boasting new leadership that began in the 90’s, Bogota is now making great strides towards taking its place in the world order. Bibliography lists 8 sources. SNBogota.doc

Crime in Japan: Improvements in Education, Employment, Penalties and Monitoring of Drugs

This is a 4 page paper discussing crime in Japan and recent government reforms in relation to decreasing the crime rate. A recent increase in the crime rate in Japan over the past decade has prompted the Japanese government to implement improvement policies in the areas of education, employment, increased penalties and monitoring of the drug trade. Education and employment reforms have included those which take into account the importance of continued education, social factors related to crime, and the maintenance and re-education of workers within the labor market. Considerations in the law enforcement disciplines have included lowering the age at which young offenders can be tried for criminal offenses, strict public fire arm restrictions and international cooperation in regards to the drug trade and market. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

"Crack" Use in Urban Schools

(4 pp). The drug problem affects all types of students. All regions and all types of communities show high levels of drug use. Thirty percent of 1990 high school seniors in nonmetropolitan areas reported illicit drug use in the previous year, while the rate for seniors in large metropolitan areas was 33 percent. Although higher proportions of males are involved in illicit drug use, especially heavy drug use, the gap between the sexes is closing Bibliography lists 4 sources.

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