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Deryck Cooke on Romantic Music

An 11 page summation and analysis of several of the essays included in a posthumous publication of some of Deryck Cooke's writing: Vindications: Essays on Romantic Music. The writer also outlines facts from a biographical memoir on Cooke, included in the book, that offers insight into Cooke's critical perspective. The writer argues that Cooke's perspective was unique. No additional sources cited.

Distribution of Music by Conventional vs. Electronic Means

5 pages. This critical analysis of the music industry and the controversy surrounding the downloadable music sites will help to explain the way some of the websites work as well as the predicament this causes the actual recording artists and record companies. Bibliography lists 10 sources.

History of Electronic Music

A 6 page research paper that gives an overview of the history of electronic music. The writer discusses the contributions of various composers, as well as giving a brief description of the electronic technological advancement that pertained to music. Bibliography lists 20 sources.

Four Brief Essays on Music

This is a 6 page paper, that discusses Debussy's "Nuages" and Bartok's "Music for Strings , Percussion and Celesta", Berg's "Wozzeck", Crumb's "Black Angels" and Varese's "Poeme electronique" & Ligeti's "Lux aetema," Berio's "Sinfonia," Leon's "Kabiosile," and Reich's "Tehillim" briefly. 2 sources are cited.


This 12-page paper provides an essay about the band Radiohead and how the Internet has changed the recording industry. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

The Contribution of Edgard Varese to Electronic Music

Despite living and working in the first half of the 20th century it may be argued that Edgard Varese, a composer born in France in 1883 is a significant founder of electronic music. This 9 page paper looks at his work and contributions to this genre of music. The bibliography cites 7 sources.

The Development of Sound Synthesizers in Response to Pop Culture

A 6 page paper that discusses how the legacy of electronic music has emerged since its first application to Bach to one of necessity by all musicians in order to re-create studio sounds on stage. The industry has responded well to artists' needs by creating the MIDI system that has made it possible to bring music to all electronic mediums, including the Internet. However, this does not preclude the earlier electronic systems built in the 1970s which are still used by popular bands. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

Edgard Varese - For the Record

Edgard Varese – For the Record:This 5-page analytical essay examines how Varese and his “liberation of sound” changed traditional definitions relevant to 20th century music. A composer in his own right, Varese was unexpectedly on the cutting-edge of innovative sound, and left behind a legacy of acceptance for all things musical. Bibliography lists 4 sources. SNMusic1.doc

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