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Essays / Medicine, Medical Science, & Medical Ethics

29 pages worth of in-depth essay responses to questions concerning medical ethics, AIDS, euthanasia, the Hippocratic Oath, and more. An EXCELLENT resource for pre-med and early med students. No Bibliography.

Experimental And Applied Sciences, Inc. (EAS)

A 9 page paper that discusses the EAS company. This essay offers an overview of the company, including their vision and mission, research, product development, product categories, a sample of their numerous products, and their latest marketing campaign. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

Challenges to Library Science

This 10 page paper provides an overview of the challenges faced by librarians today as they embark on the brave new world of electronic media; issues in censorship and cultural diversity are discussed. All of these topics are discussed in depth and solutions are explored. Bibliography lists 10 sources.

The Influence of Science Upon Modern Life:

This 3 page paper asserts that science has had a profound impact upon modern life. This essay presents a variety of evidence to support this claim. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

Admission Essay: Library Science

A 3 page essay supporting application to a graduate library science program. As the electronic environment continues to gain in significance without diminishing the contribution of physical information resources, the field of library science is truly exciting. Today's librarians – and particularly those of the future – must be well versed in the electronic research environment. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

Experiential Learning Essay: Plant Science and the Floral Industry

This 10 page paper discusses plant science and relates it to the floral industry. Bibliography lists 8 sources.

Career Objective Essay

This 2 page paper provides an overview of an essay that focuses on career objectives in computer sciences. No sources cited.

Billy Pilgrim On Trafamadore

A 3 page fantastical autobiographical essay on Billy's approach to his zoo experience—in Vonnegut circularity. The points raised are some of the chronological events, the science of Montana, the theme of time, and war. Written as fiction based on fact from Billy's perspective.

Michael Crichton/Lost World

A 3 page essay that contrasts and compares the movie The Lost World with the original book by Michael Crichton. The writer argues that the film, not surprisingly, concentrates on the visual aspects of the story -- heart-stopping scenes where the main characters have to run for their lives from very real-looking dinosaurs. In the book, Crichton goes into more detail on the science behind the story, introducing the reader to the latest theories in paleontology as well as complexity theory in mathematics. Yet, despite minor changes in plot, it is basically the same story in each format. No additional sources cited.

John Locke’s “Essay on Human Understanding” Book II

This 5 page report discusses English philosopher, John Locke (1632-1704) and his focus on the division of human ideas in sub-categories related to substances, modes, and relations. Almost the entire core of the intellectual activity of the eighteenth century in England leads back to Locke. Locke was able to succinctly describe and honor the Enlightenment in his belief in the middle class and its right to freedom of conscience and right to property, in his faith in science, and in his confidence in the goodness of humanity. Locke was convinced that in order for a liberal, tolerant, regime to survive, it had to be intolerant of those who were neither liberal nor tolerant. His influence upon philosophy and political theory has been incalculable. No secondary sources.

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