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Theses Dissertations
Francis Fukuyama - The End Of History

A 17 page paper that presents an outline and explanation of Fukuyama's thesis about the end of history and the last man. The essay "The End of History?" published in 1989 and the book, The End of History and the Last Man, published in 1992 are still being discussed and analyzed in today's literature. Fukuyama's works created a great deal of furor and criticism in some circles and were applauded in other circles. This paper reports the interpretations of these two works by numerous scholars and also presents the criticisms levied against the thesis by other scholars. The thesis is that liberal democracy has won as the preferred system; this was evidenced by the end of the Cold War and this constitutes the end of history. One question asked by a number of authors is whether Fukuyama means this is the end of history or the end of historical thinking? The thesis is much more complex than this statement would imply and the complexities are discussed and reflected upon. The writer includes their own reflections. Bibliography lists 21 sources.

The Implementation of Electronic Patient Records and Electronic Health Records ; A Dissertation Proposal

This 5 page paper is a research proposal outline for a dissertation at PhD level. The research includes secondary research proposal as well as an outlining of the primary research to be conducted observing the implication of EPR and EHR systems in UK hospitals. The bibliography cites 10 sources.


This 5 page paper is a creative essay example for theme and tone in a short personal essay. The theme of homesickness and 'going home again' is shown throughout the piece. Strong introductory and conclusive paragraphs restate the thesis, which is in bold. Bibliography lists 0 sources.

Why Study E-Business with an International Emphasis?

This 5 page paper is written in two parts explaining how a course on e-business, including e-commerce, with an international emphasis will be good for a student. The first part looks at who and why this course would be good for the student and how this would suit the long and short term career plans. The second part of the paper outlines a graduation thesis which would study "The importance of understanding e-business in developing countries" with an emphasis on Bangladesh, explaining why this is suitable for then student wanting to set up their own consultancy in the future.

Northrop's Essay on Globalization and the Great Convergence

This 3 page paper looks at an essay by Colin Northrop and answers three questions. The first defines the thesis of the essay. The second part of the paper examines the construction of the paper and the arguments and the third part of the paper considers the sources used by Northrop. The bibliography cites 3 sources.

Argumentative Analysis of Roderick Chisholm’s “Human Freedom and the Self”

In six pages this paper analyzes the argument presented by the philosopher and a counterargument with support for the philosopher's thesis presented. Two sources are listed in the bibliography.

Virtue Ethics as the Motive Force Behind Actions: An Argumentative Essay

This 5 page argumentative essay defends the thesis that virtue ethics are the motive force behind actions. Essentially, this paper support the argument that virtue ethics tells a person what they ought to be, rather than what they ought to do, and as a result, defines the motives behind actions which are manifested in the form of character traits or virtues. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

Critique on Hume's Of the Original Contract

This 5 page paper looks at Hume's work on social contracts and provides some support for the thesis. The ideas are explored in depth and contemporary examples are provided. No additional sources cited.

International Students & The Problem Of Writing Essays

An argumentative 5 page essay examining why so many international students dislike writing essays. Three causes are given: interest and motivation are in vocational training, cultural autonomy vs. western philosophy, and the use of proper English language as a U.S.-bias. All of these are argued against, but the final thesis is that because of these arguments, international students' motivations should be given more consideration by the university, and students (who after graduation find they approve of their education in the U.S.) are willing to contribute to the university-international student interaction and program design. The paper postulates a more congruent interaction between the two. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

The Relevance and of the Gutenberg Galaxy in the Electronic Age

This 8 page paper considers McLuhan’s central thesis in the Gutenberg Galaxy and discusses whether it is relevant to the current revolution in electronic publishing. The bibliography cites 5 sources.

Modern Literature

This 5 page paper provides a tutorial for an essay based on the thesis: The form of free verse as seen in the poem, The Wasteland, by T. S. Eliot and the stream of consciousness style employed by Virginia Woolf in Mrs. Dalloway are examples of the creative form as well as inclusive of emotional content as defined as high modernism. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

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